Connection Thought Mind Consciousness Choice Association Web Network Information Design Space Time Architecture Community Property Intelligence Evolution Art Economics God
Epimedes the Cretan MetaLink
E.M. Forster, 1924 Connection
Vannevar Bush, 1945 Thought
Ivan Chtchglov, 1953 Architecture
Buckminster Fuller, 1963 Design
Theodore Larsen, 1963 Design
Ivan Illich Community
Stewart Brand, 1969 God 1994 Time Architecture
CommuniTree, 1978 God
Douglas Hofstadter, 1979 Space 1981 Intelligence 1985 Association Intelligence, 1995 Intelligence
Marvin Minsky, 1985 Mind Association Information, 1994 Thought
Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, 1987 Thought
Michael Heim, 1987 Web Property 1993 Consciousness
Jeffrey Conklin, 1987 Design
William Gibson, 1987 Space, 1988 Space
Stewart Brand, 1988 God
Kevin Kelly, 1988 Art, 1993 Art, 1994 Connection Mind Web Information Space Time Consciousness Unfinishedness God
Bob Lucky, 1989 Information
Stan Lee, 1989 Information
Heinz Pagels, 1989 Network
Harland Cleveland, 1989 Property
Stephen Gilbert, 1990 Property
Edward Tufte, 1990 Information
Jakob Nielsen, 1990 Property
Jay David Bolter, 1991 Association Web Network Space
Marcos Novak, 1991 Architecture
Meredith Bricken, 1991 Design
Chris Morningstar and F. Randall Farmer, 1991 Community God
Michael Benedikt, 1991 Space Time Architecture Economics
David Tomas, 1991 Space
Joseph Coates, 1992 Economics
George Landow, 1992 Web Network Consciousness Property
Thomas Valovic, 1992 Connection Information
Brian Eno, 1991 Information 1993 Art, 1994 Architecture 1995 Community Consciousness Time
Ralph Abraham, 1994 Association 1995 Evolution
Nicholas Negroponte, 1995 Mind Time Community Art
Michael Joyce, 1995 Thought Association Choice Network Design Consciousness Property
Neil Postman, 1995 Information
Jennifer Cobb Kreisberg, 1995 Evolution
John Perry Barlow, 1995 Evolution
Ralph Abraham, 1994 Association 1995 Evolution
Daniel Dennett, 1995 Intelligence
Pierre Levy, 1995 Association
Robert Anton Wilson, 1995 Evolution