From simple economic survival through the establishment of security and legitmacy, from trade in tokens of approval and confidence and liberty to the pursuit of influence, knowledge, and entertainment for their own sakes, everything informational and important to the life of individuals - and organizations - will be found for sale, or for the taking, in cyberspace.

- Michael Benedikt in the Introduction to Cyberspace: First Steps, edited by Michael Benedikt, Massachussets Institute of Technology, 1991

Your enterprise is an information system which incidentally sells goods and services.

- Thomas Valovic quoting Joseph F. Coates, in Corporate Networks: The Strategic Use of Telecommunications, 1992

In cyberspace, information-intensive institutions and businesses have a form, identity, and working reality - in a word and quite literally, an architecture - that is counterpart and different to the form, identity, and working reality they have in the physical world. The ordinary physical reality of these institutions, businesses, etc., are seen as surface phenomena, as husks, their true energy coursing in architectures unseen except in cyberspace.

- Michael Benedikt in Cyberspace: Some Proposals, in Cyberspace: first steps, edited by Michael Benedikt, Massachussets Institute of Technology, 1991

NR - Last updated: May 2nd, 1995