A virtual world can be informative, useful, and fun; it can also be boring and uncomfortable. The difference is in the design.
- Virtual Worlds: No Interface to Design, Meredith Bricken, Cyberspace: First Steps, edited by Michael Benedikt, Massachussets Institute of Technology, 1991
The proper activity of the architect-engineer is purposeful. "It is not to devise a better society so as to arrive at a finer architecture; it is to provide a better architecture in order to arrive at a more desirable society."
- Buckminster Fuller, quoting Theodore Larsen in Nine Chains to the Moon, 1963
"One must work in current hypertext environments for a while for the collection of features to coalesce into a useful tool".
- Jeffrey Conklin in "Hypertext: An Introduction and Survey", IEEE Computer 20, no. 9, September 1987
It does take time to get used to, and to make use of, hypertext tools, especially when you use them constructively.
- Michael Joyce in Of Two Minds: Hypertext Pedagogy and Poetics, The University of Michigan Press, 1995