Some theorists argue that hypertext represents a shift in human consciousness comparable to the shift from orality to print.

- Of Two Minds: Hypertext Pedagogy and Poetics, The University of Michigan Press, Michael Joyce, 1995

[Hypertext is] not pleasant to use - because it happens on computer screens - but it is a far-reaching revolution in thinking. The transition from the idea of text as a line to the idea of text as a web is just about as big a change of consciousness as we are capable of.

- Brian Eno, interviewed by Kevin Kelly, in Wired 3.05, May 1995

Hypertext creates its own possibility space.

- Kevin Kelley, Out Of Control , A William Patrick Book, 1994

many who write on hypertext...argue that we must abandon conceptual systems founded upon ideas of center, margin, hierachy, and linearity and replace them with ones of multilinearity, nodes, links, and networks. Almost all parties to this paradigm shift, which marks a revolution in human thought, see electronic writing as a direct response to the strengths and weaknesses of the printed book.

George P. Landow in Hypertext: the convergence of contemporary critical theory and technology, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992

The term hypertext refers to the existence of an unnoticed or additional dimension.

Michael Heim in The Metaphysics of Virtual Reality, Oxford University Press, 1993

NR - Last updated: May 2nd, 1995