Carolyn says, "Hypertext as a term, for me, refers not to text-based products, but rather to the very nature of human thinking processes. So given that broad referent, hypertext almost has to be related in some way to everything we experience."
Nancy says, "I think that the word *text* in hypertext confuses the issue. Carolyn says that hypertext refers to the nature of human thinking processes. But people seem to get more attached to the word *text* i.e. I want my book to be clear, linear."
Nancy says, "Carolyn, you said WWW will expand to a hypertextuality you envisioned, what do you mean? I felt really dumb, out of it, etc. when I found Kia and Riddle's, and the hypertext moo on the WWW last night, because I had been thinking about all these ht issues and reading PRINT books. And duh there was all this stuff goin on on the web I did not know about. "
Carolyn says, "I was thinking of at least having reciprocal linking."
Michael says, "What about this feeling stupid, feeling unfinished? Is this related to how voraciously the web seeks newness (you get the sense that much of the world surfs in search of new pages, bookmarks them, moves on...)"